Intro to HGS-PDAF (version 1.0) - Aquanty Webinar
A recording of our August 12st, 2024 webinar is now released.
In this recording of our recent webinar, we introduced HGS-PDAF (version 1.0)—a groundbreaking tool that enhances hydrological modeling through the integration of real-time data assimilation.
HGS RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT – A black-box automated approach to calibrate numerical simulations and optimize cover design: Application to a flow control layer constructed on an experimental waste rock pile
In this study, researchers developed and tested a novel black-box automated approach to calibrate numerical simulations and optimize cover designs for waste rock piles at mining sites. This work was undertaken by a team of scientists focusing on improving waste rock pile stability and minimizing environmental contamination.
Canada1Water - Research and Development Phase 1 Report
We are thrilled to announce the release of the Canada1Water (C1W) report, a groundbreaking achievement in the field of hydrology and water resource management. The C1W report represents the first-ever continental-scale model of Canada's entire water cycle, offering a comprehensive understanding of how water moves, accumulates, and changes across the vast Canadian landscape.
Aquanty Selected as Finalist for New Tech Award for Machine-Learning Based Streamflow Forecasting
Aquanty Inc. is proud to have been selected as finalists for the New Tech award at the annual Water Canada Awards. This award recognizes a groundbreaking new product at the forefront of technological innovation in the Canadian water sector.
The HydroGeoSphere Revision 2718 (August 2024) is now available for download.
HGS RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT – Rapid transport from the surface to wells in fractured rock: A unique infiltration tracer experiment
In this study, researchers investigated the dynamics of rapid transport from the surface to monitoring wells in fractured rock environments using a unique infiltration tracer experiment. The focus was on understanding how tracers or contaminants move quickly through fractures to wells, which is crucial for assessing water quality and contamination risks.
"HGSRT: Physics-based hydrologic forecasting, powered by HydroGeoSphere" - Aquanty Webinar
A recording of our July 17th, 2024 webinar is now released.
In this webinar, we dive into the revolutionary capabilities of our physics based hydrologic forecasting platform - a cutting-edge cloud-based computing system transforming hydrological forecasting. By integrating near-real-time field observations, remote sensing products, and meteorological predictions, this platform provides unparalleled accuracy and reliability in hydrological forecasts.
HGS RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT – Groundwater recharge from overbank floods
This study, published by researchers using a fully coupled surface-subsurface flow model, explores the process of overbank flood recharge, which is important for estimating aquifer sustainable yield.
NEW version of HGS (HGS PREMIUM JULY 2024 (REVISION 2710)
The HydroGeoSphere Revision 2710 (July 2024) is now available for download.
Staff Research Highlight - Evaluating the significance of wetland representation in isotope-enabled distributed hydrologic modeling in mesoscale Precambrian shield watersheds
Aquanty’s very own Arghavan Tafvizi had her PhD research paper “Evaluating the Significance of Wetland Representation in Isotope-Enabled Distributed Hydrologic Modeling in Mesoscale Precambrian Shield Watershed” published in the Journal of Hydrology.