The Impact of SW-GW flow interactions for regional scale simulation of hydraulic heads: application in the south Quebec regional hydro system - Aquanty Webinar
A recording of our November 19th, 2024 webinar is now released.
This insightful session unpacks how the interplay between surface water (SW) and groundwater (GW) influences the accuracy of hydraulic head simulations in Southern Quebec, a region with significant water management challenges.
Assessing Groundwater and Surface Water Contributions to Evapotranspiration in a Semi-Arid Watershed - Aquanty Webinar
A recording of our October 30th, 2024 webinar is now released.
This session delves into how groundwater (GWET) and surface water (SWET) shape actual evapotranspiration (AET) dynamics in the North Saskatchewan River Basin— a vital area for understanding water balance in semi-arid regions.

HydroSphereAI featured in OWC’s Innovation Showcase
We’re proud to share that Aquanty’s cutting-edge hydrological forecasting tool HydroSphereAI is now featured in the Ontario Water Consortium (OWC) Innovation Showcase. The OWC highlights our machine-learning based streamflow forecasting tool, designed to address the complex water management challenges of today and position Aquanty as a leader in hydrological forecasting solutions.

“Homegrown Technologies Could Play a Key Role in the World’s Water Future” - Aquanty Featured in CWRA’s Water News Magazine
We’re proud to share that Aquanty has been highlighted in a recent issue of the CWRA’s Water News Magazine. This article explores the innovative tools we’ve developed to tackle 21st-century water resource challenges, positioning Aquanty as a leader in hydrologic system modelling both in Canada and internationally.

Announcing HydroClimateSight - Aquanty’s comprehensive suite of web services
As we continue to develop new technologies, we’ve realized the necessity to reformulate the way that these technologies are presented/communicated to our stakeholders. With that in mind, we’re here to announce the rebirth of our suite of web-based technologies as HydroClimateSight (HCS). HCS brings all of our technologies together under a common umbrella, providing users with a comprehensive suite of tools to support decision making with best-in-class, physics and AI-based hydro-climatological forecasting. Read-on to learn more about the unique value that Aquanty can offer by combining a comprehensive suite of weather, climate and hydrological prediction tools.
Intro to HGS-PDAF (version 1.0) - Aquanty Webinar
A recording of our August 12st, 2024 webinar is now released.
In this recording of our recent webinar, we introduced HGS-PDAF (version 1.0)—a groundbreaking tool that enhances hydrological modeling through the integration of real-time data assimilation.
Aquanty Selected as Finalist for New Tech Award for Machine-Learning Based Streamflow Forecasting
Aquanty Inc. is proud to have been selected as finalists for the New Tech award at the annual Water Canada Awards. This award recognizes a groundbreaking new product at the forefront of technological innovation in the Canadian water sector.

"HGSRT: Physics-based hydrologic forecasting, powered by HydroGeoSphere" - Aquanty Webinar
A recording of our July 17th, 2024 webinar is now released.
In this webinar, we dive into the revolutionary capabilities of our physics based hydrologic forecasting platform - a cutting-edge cloud-based computing system transforming hydrological forecasting. By integrating near-real-time field observations, remote sensing products, and meteorological predictions, this platform provides unparalleled accuracy and reliability in hydrological forecasts.

HGS RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT – HGS-PDAF (version 1.0): a modular data assimilation framework for an integrated surface and subsurface hydrological model
In their recent publication, Qi Tang and her team present an advancement in hydrological modelling: HGS-PDAF (version 1.0). This modular data assimilation framework is tailored specifically for integrated surface and subsurface hydrological modelling, offering a powerful tool for understanding and managing water resources in a changing environment.
"HydroSphereAI: Machine Learning for Flood and Drought Forecasting" - Aquanty Webinar
Aquanty has developed a new machine-learning model that can produce highly accurate streamflow forecasts hours or days into the future. We are currently working on integrating these new capabilities into our suite of web-based water decision support tools. As one of the only companies in Canada currently doing this kind of forecasting, we are well positioned to meet a growing need for advanced forecasting tools. ML-based streamflow forecasts are currently available for a small selection of watersheds in southwestern Ontario through Aquanty’s HGSRT web platform.