Snow Modelling Products on HydroClimateSight
With a big winter storm sweeping across Ontario over the past week, we thought it might be a good time to review the various snow modelling products available through the HydroClimateSight decision support platform.

HydroSphereAI featured in OWC’s Innovation Showcase
We’re proud to share that Aquanty’s cutting-edge hydrological forecasting tool HydroSphereAI is now featured in the Ontario Water Consortium (OWC) Innovation Showcase. The OWC highlights our machine-learning based streamflow forecasting tool, designed to address the complex water management challenges of today and position Aquanty as a leader in hydrological forecasting solutions.

“Homegrown Technologies Could Play a Key Role in the World’s Water Future” - Aquanty Featured in CWRA’s Water News Magazine
We’re proud to share that Aquanty has been highlighted in a recent issue of the CWRA’s Water News Magazine. This article explores the innovative tools we’ve developed to tackle 21st-century water resource challenges, positioning Aquanty as a leader in hydrologic system modelling both in Canada and internationally.

Announcing HydroClimateSight - Aquanty’s comprehensive suite of web services
As we continue to develop new technologies, we’ve realized the necessity to reformulate the way that these technologies are presented/communicated to our stakeholders. With that in mind, we’re here to announce the rebirth of our suite of web-based technologies as HydroClimateSight (HCS). HCS brings all of our technologies together under a common umbrella, providing users with a comprehensive suite of tools to support decision making with best-in-class, physics and AI-based hydro-climatological forecasting. Read-on to learn more about the unique value that Aquanty can offer by combining a comprehensive suite of weather, climate and hydrological prediction tools.