HGS RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT – Analyzing variation of the water table level with three-dimensional numerical simulations to assess reclamation techniques for an acidic tailings impoundment
As an extension of the last HGS research highlight titled ‘Improving control of contamination from waste rock piles’, this next research highlight within this series looks at a study conducted by the same researchers and explores the effects of thin cover deposition on managing water table levels in acidic tailings impoundments, while utilizing HydroGeoSphere (HGS) for in-depth simulations.

“Homegrown Technologies Could Play a Key Role in the World’s Water Future” - Aquanty Featured in CWRA’s Water News Magazine
We’re proud to share that Aquanty has been highlighted in a recent issue of the CWRA’s Water News Magazine. This article explores the innovative tools we’ve developed to tackle 21st-century water resource challenges, positioning Aquanty as a leader in hydrologic system modelling both in Canada and internationally.