HGS RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT – The HypoSalar project: Integrating hyporheic exchange fluxes into Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) spawning habitat models
In this research highlight ultra-fine resolution HydroGeoSphere models are used to simulate hyporheic exchange fluxes in river reaches used by Atlantic salmon for spawning. The HypoSalar project is contributing to demonstrate that the capabilities of HydroGeoSphere are not exclusively related to the field of hydrogeology, but can be used for both fluvial geomorphology and ecological studies due to HydroGeoSphere's flexibility and superior modeling approach.

HGS RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT – Analyzing variation of the water table level with three-dimensional numerical simulations to assess reclamation techniques for an acidic tailings impoundment
As an extension of the last HGS research highlight titled ‘Improving control of contamination from waste rock piles’, this next research highlight within this series looks at a study conducted by the same researchers and explores the effects of thin cover deposition on managing water table levels in acidic tailings impoundments, while utilizing HydroGeoSphere (HGS) for in-depth simulations.

HGS RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT – Improving control of contamination from waste rock piles
This study conducted by researchers investigates how well compacted cover layers on waste rock piles can mitigate infiltration into these waste piles, reducing the overall potential for oxidation of sulfidic waste materials and control environmental contamination. The research provides a detailed examination of how different cover configurations and hydrogeological conditions affect the performance of these covers in mitigating risks associated with waste rock piles.

HGS RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT – A black-box automated approach to calibrate numerical simulations and optimize cover design: Application to a flow control layer constructed on an experimental waste rock pile
In this study, researchers developed and tested a novel black-box automated approach to calibrate numerical simulations and optimize cover designs for waste rock piles at mining sites. This work was undertaken by a team of scientists focusing on improving waste rock pile stability and minimizing environmental contamination.
HGS RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT – Evaluating Domestic Well Vulnerability to Contamination From Unconventional Oil and Gas Development Sites
This study by researchers at Yale University and the Institute of Technology investigates how vulnerable groundwater wells are to contamination by the growing unconventional oil and gas development industry, which is expanding quickly and, in some cases, negatively impacting groundwater quality and posing a risk to public health by contaminating drinking water sources.
HGS RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT – Landscape restoration after oil sands mining: conceptual design and hydrological modelling for fen reconstruction
This study by researchers at the University of Waterloo investigates whether fen peatlands could be reconstructed on post-mine sites. Oil sand extraction can be very harmful to the natural land surface and can have lasting impacts on local ecosystems. This paper focuses on the fen peatlands that cover 65% of the landscape in Fort McMurray, Alberta. Our ability to reinstate these peatlands after mining operations has not truly been tested at large scales, and there are many uncertain factors that can impact reclamation plans for these sensitive wetlands.
HGS RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT – Numerical simulations of water flow and contaminants transport near mining wastes disposed in a fractured rock mass
This study uses HydroGeoSphere simulations to model unsaturated water flow and contaminant migration in a mining context, specifically the reclamation of open pits with mine waste products. Fractured rock masses are important to study as fractures present preferential flow paths that can promote contaminant transport.
HGS RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT – Geothermal Energy Potential of Active Northern Underground Mines: Designing a System Relying on Mine Water
HydroGeoSphere is a powerful tool for evaluating the potential of geothermal heat pump systems. HGS implicitly simulates thermal energy throughout hydrologic systems (including density driven transport effects), and can model extremely complex geological systems with spatially and temporally varying material properties, with or without the presence of discrete fractures, and with the ability to represent mine infrastructure as discrete features within the model.
HGS RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT – Mine rock stockpile reclamation trial, Detour Lake Mine
HydroGeoSphere is a powerful tool for evaluating the hydrology of open pit mining operations. HGS modelling at mine sites is typically at the site scale, and presents a perfect use case for short-term real-time hydrologic forecasting. But HGS can also be a great tool at smaller scales. In this study the authors use 1D column HGS models to evaluate the hydrology of a simple unengineered reclamation cover overlying mine waste rock from the Detour Lake Mine in Northern Ontario. 2D cross sectional HGS models were also constructed to ensure the 1D column models were producing accurate results.