Announcing HydroClimateSight - Aquanty’s comprehensive suite of web services
As we continue to develop new technologies, we’ve realized the necessity to reformulate the way that these technologies are presented/communicated to our stakeholders. With that in mind, we’re here to announce the rebirth of our suite of web-based technologies as HydroClimateSight (HCS). HCS brings all of our technologies together under a common umbrella, providing users with a comprehensive suite of tools to support decision making with best-in-class, physics and AI-based hydro-climatological forecasting. Read-on to learn more about the unique value that Aquanty can offer by combining a comprehensive suite of weather, climate and hydrological prediction tools.
HydroClimateSight supports decision making with best-in-class, physics and AI-based hydro-climatological forecasting
Keen eyed observers may have noticed some changes on the Aquanty website over the past several months, including the launch of new product pages for HydroClimateSight and HydroSphereAI. These changes are some of the first exciting glimpses into the rapid evolution of Aquanty’s growing suite of web services for hydrologic forecasting and decision support for water resources managers and engineers.
Back in 2017, our first steps into the world of real-time decision support were realized with the development of HGSRT (or HydroGeoSphere-RealTime), an advanced cloud-based computing system that effortlessly integrates near-real-time field observations and remote sensing products with the latest meteorological predictions to produce dependable hydrological forecasts, all powered by HydroGeoSphere.
Simultaneously, Aquanty began cultivating a wide-ranging suite of value-added tools to help land managers and decision makers to contextualize hydrologic conditions. This suite of added tools (which had originally been branded as AgSat), included remote sensing data & localized satellite imagery, real-time meteorology, site specific climate risk indicators such as drought indices and comprehensive national-scale enviro/agricultural data sets.
In 2021 we started working on two exciting new initiatives which will allow Canada to raise the bar for standardized approaches to water resources management & climate adaptation by leveraging fully-integrated hydrologic modelling. May, 2021 saw the launch of the Canada1Water project - an ambitious initiative to provide climate change impact analysis of Canada’s water resources at the continental scale. This project is integrating results from land surface modelling, dynamically downscaled regional climate models, and physics-based groundwater—surface-water modelling, and providing a comprehensive data and modelling framework to support climate adaptation measures anywhere in Canada.
Later in 2021 we began to develop a new technology that we call “Modelling on Demand” - a suite of automation tools allowing us to quickly and automatically develop simple HydroGeoSphere models based on a standardized data framework (such as Canada1Water). An exciting early iteration of this Modelling on Demand technology allows us to generate reliable sub-seasonal soil moisture forecasts on demand, anywhere in North America.
And finally, in 2024 we announced the launch of HydroSphereAI - an advanced hydrological forecasting tool that leverages machine learning to predict streamflow with exceptional accuracy. By integrating state-of-the-art machine learning techniques with our unique understanding of integrated hydrologic systems, HydroSphereAI represents the next generation in the evolving field of hydrological forecasting.
Thank you to the entire Aquanty network for following and supporting our work during these past 7-8 years as we have developed these exciting new technologies. We hope you’ll stick with us in the next phase of our story as we continue to develop HydroClimateSight, and improve on this world-class decision support system for water resources engineers.
A note for existing users of
As Aquanty prepares to officially launch HydroClimateSight on November 1st, 2024, you may wonder what will happen to your existing HGSRT account. Don’t worry, this transition should have minimal (or no) impact on your account. Visitors to will be automatically redirected to, and your existing account/data will be maintained. There will be absolutely no impact to the following account information:
Username(s) and password(s)
Bookmarked watersheds and available forecast feeds
Areas-of-Interest and satellite image searches/purchases (i.e. My Imagery Library)