The HydroGeoSphere Revision 2718 (August 2024) is now available for download.

This update brings key improvements to enhance your simulation experience. We’ve introduced new commands, made efforts to reduce memory usage for raster files, and (as usual) fixed all user-reported bugs! As always, review the release notes webpage for a full overview of changes/fixes, but here are the key updates:

  1. Add hgs2vtu to the HGS installation (see Appendix E in hydrosphere_ref.pdf). Note that you should remove all previous installations of hgs2vtu prior to installing HGS. We’ve also updated hgs2vtu to improve functionality:

    • Redefine hgs2vtu version number in terms of HGS version number.

    • Fix bug reading fracture aperture from the prefixo.elements_frac file.

    • If the metadata file is missing when writing NetCDF output, generate a default metadata file.

    • Remove a trailing CR character when reading the model prefix from a batch.pfx file in Linux.

    • Log the hgs2vtu command line options passed by the user.

    • Log shapefile projection source and target CRS.

    • Improve performance reading binary files and writing output files.

  2. Update the reservoir with spillway boundary condition by adding the option of whether or not to use interpolation to the commands gate discharge table and reservoir storage loss table (see hydrosphere_ref.pdf).

  3. Add elemental layer and column number as optional outputs (controlled by plot control) to hsplot and hgs2vtu. This update is intended to simplify blanking by layer or column number with Tecplot.

  4. Refactor GDAL raster reading to store band data in the data type defined by the raster file, resulting in a significant reduction in memory consumption for raster files with 16-bit or 32-bit data (see Appendix G in hydrosphere_ref.pdf).

  5. New command read zones from csv point cloud that assigns zone numbers to elements in the porous medium domain from a point cloud. For each point in the input file, the element whose centroid is nearest to that point receives a “vote” for the corresponding zone number. The zone number that receives the most votes is then assigned to that element. In the case of a tie, the element is either assigned a user specified default zone number or its zone number is unchanged (see hydrosphere_ref.pdf).

You can find details about these new features in the HydroGeoSphere Reference Manual. And as always, we are committed to the continued improvement to the user experience. Do you have suggestions for new commands or improvements to the user experience? Send your ideas to!

The latest installers are available on the HGS download page and a full list of changes/updates can be found in the release notes.

Download the August 2024 release of HydroGeoSphere here:

Review the release notes here:


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