HGS RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT – Transit-Time and Temperature Control the Spatial Patterns of Aerobic Respiration and Denitrification in the Riparian Zone

HGS RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT – Transit-Time and Temperature Control the Spatial Patterns of Aerobic Respiration and Denitrification in the Riparian Zone

The paper highlighted this week introduces a novel method of implementing temperature-dependent reactions in a HydroGeoSphere solute transport model by pairing a Lagrangian flow path-reaction model to the results of a 2nd order Runge-Kutta particle tracking analysis.

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HGS RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT – Finite-volume flux reconstruction and semi-analytical particle tracking on triangular prisms for finite-element-type models of variably-saturated flow
Case Studies, HGS, Research Highlight Brayden McNeill Case Studies, HGS, Research Highlight Brayden McNeill

HGS RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT – Finite-volume flux reconstruction and semi-analytical particle tracking on triangular prisms for finite-element-type models of variably-saturated flow

The poster highlights some very interesting research at the nexus of physics based integrated hydrologic modelling (using HydroGeoSphere) and machine learning/artificial intelligence techniques. Here the authors have paired an HGS model of the South Nation Watershed (SNW) with a Random Forest (RF) algorithm trained to predict spatially varying concentrations of nitrate and E. Coli throughout the watershed. For a completely novel approach toward large scale water quality prediction, the results were very encouraging!

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HGS RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT – Predicting  Watershed Scale Surface Water Quality Targets With a Combined Fully-Integrated Groundwater-Surface Water Model and Machine Learning Approach

HGS RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT – Predicting Watershed Scale Surface Water Quality Targets With a Combined Fully-Integrated Groundwater-Surface Water Model and Machine Learning Approach

The poster highlights some very interesting research at the nexus of physics based integrated hydrologic modelling (using HydroGeoSphere) and machine learning/artificial intelligence techniques. Here the authors have paired an HGS model of the South Nation Watershed (SNW) with a Random Forest (RF) algorithm trained to predict spatially varying concentrations of nitrate and E. Coli throughout the watershed. For a completely novel approach toward large scale water quality prediction, the results were very encouraging!

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HGS RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT – Simulating fully-integrated hydrological dynamics in complex Alpine headwaters: potential and challenges

HGS RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT – Simulating fully-integrated hydrological dynamics in complex Alpine headwaters: potential and challenges

Alpine areas are inherently difficult to model, with large elevation gradients (steep, rugged terrain), complex geology and highly variable weather conditions, but nevertheless a satisfactory model calibration was achieved. The model incorporated fully integrated surface/groundwater flow, evapotranspiration processes, and dynamic snowmelt (using an energy balance-based representation of snow processes), all underpinned by a detailed 3D geological model.

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