CEA-MEM Joint Training Session

Last month Aquanty held a joint training session with the Centre d’Excellence Africain Mines et Environnement Minier (CEA-MEM) of the Institut National Polytechnique Félix HOUPHOUET BOIGNY (IN-PHB). The event was funded through the ACE Partner program, with members from the Responsible Mining and Sustainable Development network (RAMR2D) and NET-WATER (RÉS-EAU) networks.

The main objective of this training workshop was to strengthen the technical capacities of African researchers in general, and those of the RES-EAU and RAMR2D networks in particular, on advanced tools for integrated hydrological/hydrogeological modelling. This training also aims to build a community of modeling experts in integrated hydrology/hydrogeology in West Africa to work jointly on themes related to water resources and the environment in connection with climate change and the impacts of anthropogenic activities such as agriculture and mining.

A special thank you to the instructors Dr. Boubacar Abdou Boko and Dr. Hyoun-Tae Hwang. Dr. Boko in particular was essential for the successful organization and delivery of this course, our deepest thanks go to him!

Dr. Boubacar Abdou Boko demonstrates the visualization of HydroGeoSphere model results.

Eighteen (18) academics from 10 different West African educational and research institutions attended this intensive HydroGeoSphere crash course, with near unanimous agreement that HydroGeoSphere will continue to play an important role within the framework of their research and teaching activities.

Attendees working through HydroGeoSphere tutorials.

Are you interested in organizing a similar training session for your organization or region? We welcome all opportunities to teach others about HydroGeoSphere, the world’s most powerful integrated hydrologic simulation platform. Don’t hesitate to contact us!


'use tabulated unsaturated functions'


NEW version of HGS (May 2022 - Revision 2397)