NEW version of HGS (May 2022 - Revision 2397)

The HydroGeoSphere Revision 2397 (May 2022) is now available for download.

This month’s release introduces a few exciting quality of life improvements that we’re sure you’ll love!

First, we’ve made an update to hsplot.exe to include the units for each variable as a comment. Hsplot.exe will also include the units as a VARAUXDATA field directly following the VARIABLES line to each Tecplot output file generated by hsplot. This should make your life a bit simpler by listing units right where you need to see them, so you don’t have to check the Reference Manual quite so often!

Another major improvement in the workflow is introduces with the new command ‘use tabulated unsaturated functions’. This command generates tables from the functional constitutive relationships and causes grok to use the resulting tables instead of the functions. In practical terms this means there is no longer any need to copy the generated tables from their output files into their respective property files and then run grok again! It’s a simple change to the workflow, but eliminates some repetition.

We’ve also introduced the following commands:

  • ‘incoming shortwave radiation for chosen faces’ is a subcommand of the atmosphere boundary condition which allows multiple timeseries of incoming shortwave radiation to be applied to different face selections in the surface of the model domain

  • ‘interpolate depth to gw table’ is a new command for the plot.control file that causes hsplot to use linear interpolation when computing the depth to groundwater

As always we have made every effort to resolve user-reported bugs, and we are committed to the continued improvement to the user experience. Do you have suggestions for new commands or improvements to the user experience? Send your ideas to!

The latest installers are available on the HGS download page and a full list of changes/updates can be found in the release notes.

Download the May 2022 release of HydroGeoSphere here:

Review the release notes here:


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Aquanty Staff Research Highlight – Spatial patterns and mass balance of sodium in near-surface peat of a constructed fen