HGS RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT – Understanding the vulnerability of surface–groundwater interactions to climate change: insights from a Bavarian Forest headwater catchment
This study used HydroGeoSphere to evaluate the impact of climate change on streamflow and water availability within a small forested catchment in South-East Germany. Climate forecasts in the region predict a significant decrease in precipitation over the coming decades. Based on integrated hydrologic modelling of the catchment, this forecasted decline in precipitation combined with a relatively steady rate of evapotranspiration (compared to the historical period) will result in prolonged drought conditions, which in turn will result in declining groundwater levels, decreased baseflow to the upstream reaches of the stream network.
Manitoba Cooperator - Field-level water forecasts: There’s an app for that
The Manitoba Cooperator has written an excellent article (with comments from Dr. Steve Frey, Aquanty’s Director of Research Services) which reviews some of the new technology driven initiatives to manage water resources throughout Manitoba, with a specific focus on the newly developed MFGA Aquanty Forecasting Tool - a real-time hydrologic forecasting system for decision-support around water movement, soil health, climate risk assessment & mitigation in the Assiniboine River Basin and Pembina River watersheds.
MFGA-Aquanty Forecast Tool - Grasslander Fall 2023
We are so glad to see that another issue of the Manitoba Forage and Grassland Association’s (MFGA) Grasslander has been published, providing a timely update on the ongoing work that the MFGA and Aquanty have been putting into the MFGA-Aquanty Forecasting Tool.
HGS RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT – Evaluating Climate Change Impacts on Soil Moisture and Groundwater Resources Within a Lake-Affected Region
This study investigates how climate change could impact groundwater and soil moisture within the Great Lakes Basin (GLB). Groundwater is a resource that is relied on for agriculture, industry, municipalities, and drinking water. Approximately one-quarter of the 33 million inhabitants of the GLB depend on groundwater as their primary freshwater source. Given its extreme value as a natural resource, the impacts of climate change on groundwater need to be well understood, and fully-integrated models that incorporate such large water bodies (let alone an entire basin-scale system) are rare.
Manitoba Co-operator - Hydrology forecasting tool drills down to field level
Farmers in the Assiniboine River basin will soon have access to a new tool designed to help them make predictions about water flow at the field level. The tool was developed by the hydrologic modelling firm Aquanty, in cooperation with the Manitoba Forage and Grasslands Association. They are able to combine their model with remote sensing data on things like soil moisture levels and real time groundwater monitoring sensors to set the initial conditions before launching a hydrologic forecast. “Combining that with insights on how water management infrastructure is maintained during floods and droughts and using cloud computing infrastructure, we can readily construct these models and deliver them via an app to your fingertips,”