HGS RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT – Analysis of drought conditions and their impacts in a headwater stream in the Central European lower mountain ranges
A new study by researchers at the University Bayreuth investigates the impact that climate change may have on drought conditions in forested catchment with riparian wetland, specifically the Lehstenbach catchment in the Fichtel Mountains of South-Eastern Germany.
HGS RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT – Dynamic Steady State in Coastal Aquifers Is Driven by Multi‐Scale Cyclical Processes, Controlled by Aquifer Storativity.
A new paper explores the effects that periodic/cyclical processes over different time scales exert on salinity distribution throughout coastal aquifers. In other words, how is aquifer salinity impacted by sea-level changes caused by tidal effects (sub-daily), storm-surges (decadal) and glaciation (millennial scale).
HGS RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT – Sources of surface water in space and time: Identification of delivery processes and geographical sources with hydraulic mixing-cell modeling
The paper highlighted this week presents a very interesting post-processing method for HydroGeoSphere models. The results of the HGS model were used as input into the hydraulic mixing-cell (HMC) approach which enables tracking and delineation of the mixing of predefined initial water sources at any location and at any time based on information from the hydraulic flow solution