Integrating HGS Models with PEST for Automated Parameter Estimation
HGS Feature, Command of The Week, HGS, Tutorials Veljko Zaric HGS Feature, Command of The Week, HGS, Tutorials Veljko Zaric

Integrating HGS Models with PEST for Automated Parameter Estimation

This post introduces a detailed tutorial on integrating PEST (Parameter ESTimation) with HydroGeoSphere (HGS) for automated parameter estimation. The tutorial walks through the structure of PEST input files and guides you on how to incorporate them into your HGS models. It's designed to help you run parameter estimation using PEST, though it doesn't cover advanced PEST modes like Tikhonov regularization or predictive analysis. The tutorial is based on the Abdul verification problem and includes all necessary input files.

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Batch renaming of HGS output binaries for HSPLOT
HGS Feature, Command of The Week, HGS, Tutorials Veljko Zaric HGS Feature, Command of The Week, HGS, Tutorials Veljko Zaric

Batch renaming of HGS output binaries for HSPLOT

This post covers a useful workflow for renaming large groups of sequentially titled files, such as HydroGeoSphere’s binary PHGS output files. This process is particularly helpful when working with HSPLOT, which requires input files to be numbered sequentially starting from 1 (e.g., 0001, 0002, 0003, …n).

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Writing a Cleanup Script to Clear a Model Folder

Writing a Cleanup Script to Clear a Model Folder

This post introduces a simple method to clean up model folders without manually deleting individual files. While HydroGeoSphere typically overwrites results, there are cases where returning a model folder to its initial state is necessary—whether due to incorrect parameters, changes in output times, or preparing files for sharing.

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