NEW version of HGS PREMIUM November 2024 (REVISION 2744)
The HydroGeoSphere Revision 2744 (November 2024) is now available for download.
This update brings new functionality and improvements that enhance user experience and expand the capabilities of shapefile integration within HGS. The highlight of this release is the introduction of several commands for streamlining observation point management and evapotranspiration settings. With these additions, users can more easily define and customize large sets of observation points and better control evaporation processes. Here’s the full list of updates:
New commands
choose nodes polyline top sheet shp
andchoose nodes polyline by sheet shp
(see hydrosphere_ref.pdf).a) To improve the user experience and expand the uses of shapefiles as HGS inputs
New commands
make observation points from shp
,make observation points by depth from shp
, andmake interpolated observation points by layer from shp
that read Point, PointZ, or PointM shape types from a shapefile and read the z-coordinate, depth, or layer name and observation point name from the associated .dbf file (see hydrosphere_ref.pdf).a) Will simplify the process for defining large number of observation points
New commands
make observation point by sheet
andmake observation points by sheet
that define observation points based on xy-coordinates and a node sheet number (see hydrosphere_ref.pdf).a) Will simplify the process for defining observation points
New command
limit surface evaporation to percentage of PET
. When applying the PET boundary condition, surface evaporation at a node is limited by the value:percent_pet * PET_flux * node_area
based on the current ET zone (see hydrosphere_ref.pdf).a) Provides additional flexibility when defining the evapotranspiration process in HGS
New commands
flow solver relative convergence criteria
andtransport solver relative convergence criteria
that allow a relative convergence tolerance to be specified for the linear solver (see hydrosphere_ref.pdf).a) Should result in runtime improvements, especially for models which struggle with slow convergence on the linear solver portion of the iterative solution procedure.
You can find details about these new features in the HydroGeoSphere Reference Manual. And as always, we are committed to the continued improvement to the user experience. Do you have suggestions for new commands or improvements to the user experience? Send your ideas to!
The latest installers are available on the HGS download page and a full list of changes/updates can be found in the release notes.
Download the November 2024 release of HydroGeoSphere here:
Review the release notes here: