NEW version of HGS PREMIUM March 2025 (REVISION 2796)

The HydroGeoSphere Revision 2796 (March 2025) is now available for download.

This release introduces enhanced error checking, new boundary condition options, improved data resampling, and updates to fluid mass balance calculations, ensuring greater precision and flexibility in HydroGeoSphere (HGS) simulations. Key improvements include fixes to porous medium zone assignments, enhancements to density-dependent flow computations, and new commands for mesh file exports and hydrologic property scaling. Here’s the full list of updates:

New specified head boundary condition type pressure head (see hydrosphere_ref.pdf).

  1. New commands write grid to stl ascii and write grid to stl binary that write the outer boundary (top sheet, bottom sheet, and outer lateral faces) over a range of mesh layers to STL format (see hydrosphere_ref.pdf).

  2. New command elevation from raster cv mean that assigns an elevation to each node in the surface mesh via an area-weighted average of raster elevations over the node's 2D control volume from a specified raster band (see hydrosphere_ref.pdf).

  3. New commands: nodal fluid mass balance from shp file, nodal fluid mass balance from multifeature shp file, and nodal fluid mass balance for chosen faces. These commands are similar to the existing command fluid mass balance for olf areas using shp file except that fluxes are reported over nodal control volumes in each sheet instead of over elements in each layer. The benefit of this approach is that it allows the user to close the water balance over the polygon in each sheet, whereas, it may not be possible to do so with the layered approach (see hydrosphere_ref.pdf).

  4. New command vertical slice flux by sheet that reports fluid fluxes for each sheet in the porous medium domain (see hydrosphere_ref.pdf).

  5. New commands scale K for chosen elements and scale porosity for chosen elements (see hydrosphere_ref.pdf).

You can find details about these new features in the HydroGeoSphere Reference Manual. And as always, we are committed to the continued improvement to the user experience. Do you have suggestions for new commands or improvements to the user experience? Send your ideas to!

The latest installers are available on the HGS download page and a full list of changes/updates can be found in the release notes.

Download the March 2025 release of HydroGeoSphere here:

Review the release notes here:


Staff Research Highlight - Effects of soil heterogeneity and preferential flow on the water flow and isotope transport in an experimental hillslope


Using the debug.control file for real-time tuning of HGS simulation performance