NEW version of HGS PREMIUM December 2024 (REVISION 2756)
The HydroGeoSphere Revision 2756 (December 2024) is now available for download.
This update brings new functionality and improvements that enhance user experience and expand the capabilities of shapefile integration within HGS. The highlight of this release is the introduction of several commands for streamlining observation point management and evapotranspiration settings. With these additions, users can more easily define and customize large sets of observation points and better control evaporation processes. Here’s the full list of updates:
New command
newton residual 2-norm convergence criteria
that specifies a Newton iteration convergence tolerance with respect to the 2-norm of the Newton residual. This provides users with more granular control over the linear solver convergence criteria, similar to the recently addednewton residual convergence criteria
command.New command
that echoes a single line of text to the console and .eco file. This can be a useful tool for users who like to build their own scripts/utilities to mine useful data from grok.exe output files.Added banded raster support to the commands
time varying lai from raster
,time varying K by impedance factor via temperature raster
, andtime varying surface friction by temperature raster
. This provides users with an opportunity to improve data management practices by collapsing time-varying model inputs into a single banded raster file.Several improvements and additions to hgs2vtu.exe functionality, including:
New option
that causes hgs2vtu to convert HGS Tecplot ASCII time series files to NetCDF format. By default, time series output is written to a single file named using a fixed size time dimension. Currently, the following HGS output files are converted by this option: water balance, soil balance, hydrograph, and observation point.New option
that causes hgs2vtu to generate multiple files when converting HGS time series output files to NetCDF format.New option
that causes hgs2vtu to generate NetCDF time series output with an unlimited time dimension.
You can find details about these new features in the HydroGeoSphere Reference Manual. And as always, we are committed to the continued improvement to the user experience. Do you have suggestions for new commands or improvements to the user experience? Send your ideas to!
The latest installers are available on the HGS download page and a full list of changes/updates can be found in the release notes.
Download the December 2024 release of HydroGeoSphere here:
Review the release notes here: