This 3-day short course is being held as a hybrid event (online and in-person).
Note: all event times are in eastern (EST/EDT)
Click here to request details and register.
Join the Aquanty team for a 3-day intensive course which explores the complete integrated hydrologic modeling process using HydroGeoSphere (HGS). This course consists of various lectures and exercises to explore topics such as the benefits of integrated hydrologic modeling, the governing equations that control flow in an HGS model, model mesh generation and results visualization, numerical solution techniques and model convergence troubleshooting, atmospheric & winter processes, model calibration and more.
Attendees of this course will receive a temporary license of HydroGeoSphere (30-day), a temporary license of AlgoMesh (2-week), a copy of all course content including lectures (PDF) and exercises, and the opportunity to network with other HydroGeoSphere users and the software development team. In addition, attendees of the training course will be eligible for a 10% discount on HydroGeoSphere software purchases (eligible within 12-months of the training session).
Registration fee: $1,200 USD (50% discount for students)
Location: Online & in-person at Aquanty’s office (600 Weber St. N., Unit B, Waterloo, ON N2K1K4)
Date/Time: October 16-18th, from 9am - 5pm EST daily
NOTE: a minimum of 5 attendees are required for this event to take place. If the minimum attendance requirement is not met a full refund will be issued for cancellation.
Intro to Integrated Hydrologic Modelling
Benefits of integrated modelling
HydroGeoSphere features/capabilities
Example applications
The Governing Equations that Power HGS
Variably saturated groundwater flow, surface runoff flow, 1D hydraulic features, flow coupling, solute transport, etc.
The HydroGeoSphere Workflow
Using executables (i.e. using grok.exe, phgs.exe, hsplot.exe)
Building your model *.grok file
Review of model input/output files
Data management/best practices
AlgoMesh and Constructing Triangular Finite Element Meshes
Tecplot/ParaView and Visualizing Model Results
Numerical Solution Techniques and Model Convergence Troubleshooting
CVFE, CVFD solution methods, adaptive timestepping, parallel processing, interpreting model runtime output, optimizing simulation performance, etc.
Introduction to Atmospheric and Winter Processes
Evapotranpiration, snowmelt, pore-water freeze/thaw, time varying material properties, etc.
Advanced Applications and Techniques
Solute transport, density-dependent flow, fracture flow, model calibration, integrating HGS with PEST for parameter estimation, etc.