NEW version of HGS (August 2021 - Revision 2291)

We’re happy to announce the August 2021 release of HydroGeoSphere (Revision 2291).

This month we’ve made several quality-of-life improvements to the documentation, including updates to the reference manual (i.e. adding missing units, updating command descriptions, removing deprecated commands) and the verification manual (i.e. added a reference table making it simple to cross-reference sections of the manual with the verification problems installed with HGS). We’ve also fixed several bugs, refactored some commands to improve model run times, and improved error/warning messages relating to the ‘mean age’ and ‘travel time’ type commands.

And finally, we’ve added the new command ‘zero order source with partitioning’. The new command is similar to the ‘zero order source’ command, but it defines the effective production rate in terms of the production rate at saturated conditions, the water saturation, and an aqueous/gas phase partitioning coefficient.

As always, you can find a full list of changes/updates on the updates page, and find a copy of the latest installers on the download page.

Download the August 2021 release of HydroGeoSphere here:

Review the release notes here:


HGS RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT – Development of an integrated numerical flow model in the Prairie Environment


HGS RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT – Fully Coupled Surface–Subsurface Hydrological Modeling to Optimize Ancient Water Harvesting Techniques