Integrated Hydrosystem Modelling - IRTG 2015 Conference

The International Research Training Group (IRTG) for "Integrated Hydrosytem Modelling", started in 2012 by the University of Tübingen, University of Hohenheim, and the University of Waterloo, is hosting a conference from April 7-10, 2015 at the University of Tübingen, Germany. The focus of the conference is to bring together leading researchers to discuss "the state-of-knowledge and to give directions and incentives for future research in modelling coupled terrestrial hydrosystem at catchment scale, including atmospheric and land-surface processes, surface-water bodies, and processes in the unsaturated soil zone and in groundwater."

The conference program includes topics such as: Integrated Modelling Philosophies; Reactive Transport & Biogeochemistry across Scales; Geology-Hydrology Interactions & Modelling of Land-Surface Processes; and Uncertainty Quantification.

Dr. Sudicky, will be giving a talk entitled "Integrated Hydrosystem Modelling: Perspectives, applications, and future directions."


Postdoc opportunity in quantitative hydrologic science


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